Rainbow Trout for Sale & Fish Farm in Utah

Rainbow Trout are the most popular fish stocked. They grow fast, adapt to most ponds, and are easily caught Rainbow trout are a favorite fish for trout fishermen to fish for. They are called a rainbow trout because of the many colors that are present on them, including a purple to pink stripe that runs down their side. The Rainbow Trout is equally famous for its acrobatic aerial displays and very long runs to avoid being caught. Rainbow trout are Cold water fish that have long been associated with cool, clear rivers, streams, and lakes, though some will leave their freshwater homes and follow a river out to the sea. The average life of wild rainbow trout in Virginia waters is mostly similar to that of brook trout. Maturation starts as one year with an average survival of three to four years. Maximum known longevity is 11 years but 7-year-olds are typically the oldest in most populations. Most of the Rainbow trout survive on insects, crustaceans, and small fish. And as they grow up the...