What is the purpose of Fish Stocking @ Utah?


Fish Stocking activities occur every year in Utah to fill empty ponds with new fingerling fish.

Fish stocking is an important fishery management tool used by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, which brings additional juvenile fish into stocked waters to help sustain fisheries. This term also refers to introducing additional fingerlings of a certain species into a pond or river, which are then grown and harvested for food or sportfish. Fish stocking is done in early spring and late fall by the Division of Wildlife Resources' Fish Management Program staff. The program stocks and monitors more than 200,000 acres of wetlands throughout the state each year through this process.

The Cover River Ranch offers fish stocking information in the salt marshes of the Cover River and Lake Bonneville.

More than 3,000 of the newly stocked fish, called fingerlings, have been stocked into the Cover River at The Cover River Ranch, and it's expected that more than 2,500 Morone Fork whitefish will be planted at the Cover River Ranch in the next few weeks.

What is Fish Stocking?

The term fish stocking refers to the process of introducing fish fry into a body of water for various purposes including population replacement and recreational fishing. Stocking ponds with fish is a common practice in pond management. Fish stocking is the process of introducing juvenile fish into a lake or river. The Division of Wildlife Resources accomplishes this by taking juvenile fish that already exist in the lake or river, known as "reared stock," and planting them in new water. The stocking program is designed to restore native fish populations and provide additional opportunities for angling and wildlife management. Fish stocking also improves surface water quality by reducing nutrients, improving oxygen levels and eliminating weeds and algae from new lakes, ponds, rivers and streams.

How does it work?

Fish stocking activities occur every year in Utah to fill empty ponds with new fingerling fish. In early spring, the Division of Wildlife Resources staff travel to selected ponds to collect fingerlings from fishery stockings that have already taken place. In late fall the Division of Wildlife Resources returns with boats and nets to evaluate the existing fingerlings and harvest any fish not needed for stocking. The process is short, simple and safe for staff, anglers, and fish.

Why does it happen?

Fish stocking is an important fishery management tool that brings additional juvenile fish into stocks waters to help sustain fisheries. This term also refers to introducing additional fingerlings of a certain species into a pond or river, which are then grown and harvested for food or sport fish.

For more information visit our website https://coveriverranch.com/


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